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Зарегистрирован: 10.01.2005
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Откуда: Narva-Tallinn/Eesti

СообщениеДобавлено: Чт Янв 20, 2005 6:58 pm    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

все время менялась расстановка

в защите Фил Джон Гари Форчун
в полузащите Рони Миллер Джемба Пол Гиггз
в атаке Руни(НО иногда он был в полузащите и в атаке были Гиггз с Рони, иногда все трое в атаке...=) САФ знает свое дело=))
ManUtd - fire and passion!
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Зарегистрирован: 05.01.2005
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Откуда: Минск, Беларусь

СообщениеДобавлено: Пт Янв 21, 2005 2:12 am    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

очень интересный эдиториал с goal.com к этому матчу. в нём возносится Экзетер и футбол вообще Smile

если кому не влом - переведите плз на русский.

Exeter’s Odyssey: And The Clock Struck Twelve…
1/20/2005 9:38:00 AM
Exeter City came closer than anyone thought possible to kicking Manchester United out of the FA Cup. Ultimately, the fairytale run came to an end at St. James Park on Wednesday night. Goal.com reports on the significance of the Grecians’ impressive displays against their more illustrious rivals.
In the end football won. It’s one of those expressions, unique to football, that we often hear when we see a great match. The 3rd round FA Cup replay between Exeter City and Manchester United can go under that category. While the quality of the football wasn’t the highest, the match had everything a football fan could hope for…well almost everything, I mean who wouldn’t have wanted to see David slay Goliath?

And they very nearly did it. Okay, credit to Manchester United I suppose, after all they went into a difficult place and got the job done whereas other Premiership clubs, most recently Liverpool on Tuesday, faltered against lower-league opposition. But, Alex Ferguson’s side doesn’t deserve too much credit. Exeter City play their football in the Nationwide Conference, which is essentially the 5th division of English football. The fact that Manchester United struggled so much against a team in 7th place of the 5th tier of the English game suggests that the Red Devils played poorly. In truth they did, however nothing can be taken from Alex Inglethorpe’s men who perhaps deserved more than they got.

After an all-around truly magnificent display at Old Trafford less than weeks ago, the Grecians were up for the occasion Wednesday night as all of England and football neutrals everywhere seemed to be rooting for the club that is currently 97 places below United in the English football pyramid. Urged on by a capacity crowd, the home side came out of the gates with loads of energy in the opening exchanges. Soon though, too soon for most, they were already down a goal as Cristiano Ronaldo finished from close range. Conceding a goal in the 9th minute against Manchester United and coming back is something clubs at the Premiership level find hard to do and though Exeter lacked no desire, United were all over their opponents as the first half wore on and should have added at least another goal or two to their tally. But, just as though the first half was about to come to an end with United missing chance after chance, Exeter was able to manufacture a couple of decent chances and went into the half on a high. Down only 1-0 there was a sense of hope.

The hope and belief of the players was clearly exhibited after the break as Exeter played a terrific second stanza. The commitment and desire of the players on the pitch was easy enough to see as they fought their United counterparts off the ball time and time again in a tough, but not unfair manner (except for Kwame Ampadu’s rash challenge in the 66th minute on Eric Djemba-Djemba). But Exeter were playing football too. There were little shimmies past helpless United defenders, there were balls played out wide where dangerous crosses were being whipped in from, and there were difficult balls being played into the box. The style of play that Exeter employed was certainly direct, but that’s not to say that the ball was being aimlessly blasted up the pitch, quite the contrary, as there was a method to what was increasingly looking like madness.

It was obviously apparent that for great stretches of the second half United were barely holding on. Exeter conjured up at least two clear-cut chances and several more half-chances. The pressure on United was immense at times and it will be interesting to see whether the Premiership giants will face that sort of siege again this season. Some may say that this is all exaggeration, but if you watch that second half again, United’s players seem rattled, they seem frustrated, and they were on the backfoot for long periods.

In the end, the goal never came. United themselves created many chances towards the end and finally took one of them, Wayne Rooney rounding the impressive Paul Jones to score the second just before the end, the goal that effectively killed off Exeter.

Exeter were simply magnificent and while United’s class told in the end, it was the class of Exeter that was perhaps the most important aspect of both 3rd round matches. Inglethorpe’s team was well-drilled and hounded United all over the park, but they believed in their ability to cause an upset, that’s what made these ties so memorable. Where other clubs may have folded going down so early, the Exeter players picked themselves up, dusted themselves off, and slowly came into a match they had no right being in. They were playing so well in some stretches that it’s hard to imagine anyone actually sitting down during the second half, so exciting it was, so close the non-leaguers were coming to an equaliser.

Perhaps it’s because football is, at times, a cruel game that the tying goal never came. On the other hand, to be able to witness this sort of display from a 5th division side against the world’s richest club was truly memorable. If their finishing was on target then United created enough chances to win the match by a more than comfortable margin. That said, Exeter played with so much heart, resolve, and purpose that their display deserved at least a goal.

In a perfect world, maybe Exeter would have got a goal in injury time and held on to win 9-8 on penalties. The world is far from perfect as we all know and it’s United now who moves on to face, dare we say it, a possibly easier 4th round FA Cup match against Middlesbrough at home. The case can be made that it will be a far more straightforward fixture for Ferguson and co., even with the knowledge that Middlesbrough are a strong, Premiership side. The fact remains though, and that is, they are no Exeter.

The Grecians will move on as well. Back to the Nationwide Conference where they will resume their drive for promotion and hope that the cash earned from these two matches against Manchester United will be enough to get them back somewhere near stable financial footing. The club will leave the limelight as quickly as they were thrust into it, their 15 minutes, or more correctly 180 minutes, of fame seemingly over. They exit the FA Cup leaving behind memories of a famous, near giant-killing and a superb goalless draw at Old Trafford against the mightiest of clubs.

It’s this sort of heart-warming story that keeps us watching football. Of course, the big competitions, like the World Cup and the Champions’ League, can excite the masses thanks to the main event type match-ups they serve up. Still, at times we wonder whether money is really the driving force behind the game. Thankfully, once in a while we have a team like Exeter City come around to show that no matter what you spend, football ultimately comes down to 11 v 11 regardless of names, money, or stardom.

Exeter City didn’t score the biggest upset in FA Cup history, but before the clock struck twelve in this Cinderella story, the club showed football fans everywhere that football is still an unpredictable game which has the ability to produce magical nights like Wednesday at St. James Park in Exeter, England. For this, we all owe a thank you to the Grecians.

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Зарегистрирован: 05.01.2005
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Откуда: Одесса

СообщениеДобавлено: Пт Янв 21, 2005 4:10 am    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

видео с матча - http://www.devilpage.pl/
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Зарегистрирован: 26.12.2004
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СообщениеДобавлено: Пт Янв 21, 2005 1:03 pm    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Поздравляю! Мы побили свой клубный рекорд в 8 матчей без пропущенных голов длиною в 101 год!!!!!

Оценки Рэнта по игрокам.
(4-3-3) Howard (5); P.Neville (7), G.Neville (6), O'Shea (7), Fortune (6); Scholes (7), Miller (3), Djemba-Djemba (4); Ronaldo (6), Rooney (6), Giggs (6)

Subs: Ricardo, Bellendion, Silvestre (5) for Djemba-Djemba, Fletcher (6) for Miller, Saha (5) for Giggs

Насчет Миллера Рэнт с бооольшим скепсисом сказал, что летом ирландец скорее всего нас покинет.

А вот насчет другого ирландца на радость Джону Бою - О Ши признан Рэнтом лучшим игроком матча Exclamation . Рэнт полагает, что это начало возвращения Джонни к своей оптимальной форме после травмы.

Вот еще интересный факт - после известного автогола одного футболиста одной известной команды и последующего вылета оной из розыгрыша ФАКап от Бернли у нас появилась новая песня JIMMY SHIMMY Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Зарегистрирован: 26.12.2004
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СообщениеДобавлено: Пт Янв 21, 2005 1:25 pm    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

кстати, отчет о матче уже можно почитать здесь
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Зарегистрирован: 05.01.2005
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Откуда: Одесса

СообщениеДобавлено: Пт Янв 21, 2005 7:36 pm    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

эххвостчешуя писал(а):
Вот еще интересный факт - после известного автогола одного футболиста одной известной команды и последующего вылета оной из розыгрыша ФАКап от Бернли у нас появилась новая песня JIMMY SHIMMY Laughing Laughing Laughing

ага, Traore красавец Laughing
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Зарегистрирован: 28.12.2004
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Откуда: Краснодар.

СообщениеДобавлено: Сб Янв 22, 2005 5:18 am    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

[quote="эххвостчешуя"]Поздравляю! Мы побили свой клубный рекорд в 8 матчей без пропущенных голов длиною в 101 год!!!!!

Аленчик, не надо, не смеши народ ..
Sir Alex, give us more!
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JOE (Comon England)

Зарегистрирован: 05.04.2007
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СообщениеДобавлено: Пт Июн 08, 2007 4:29 pm    Заголовок сообщения: Ответить с цитатой

Jim писал(а):
loba писал(а):
Jim писал(а):
Ваши фаны получат квоту 1200 билетов на трибунку за воротами без козырька в несколько рядов! Laughing
Сходите сюда, познакомьтесь с монстрами http://www.ecfc.co.uk/

как смешно Confused за кого ты болеешь?

Port Vale
West Ham
Very Happy

Просматривал форум и наткнулся на твой пост. Это ты помимо Эвертона, Вест Хэма и Порт Вэйла болеешь за Хибс и Селтик! Маловато клубов Laughing
god save the queen!
испашки грязный цыганский сброд!
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